Paying your rent
We offer a number of ways to make your rent payment:
By debit card over the phone. Give us a call on 020 8659 3055.
Via your Allpay card at any Paypoint outlet or Post Office® in the UK.
Use the Allpay app, which is available for Apple and Android smartphones. CLICK HERE using your smartphone for more information and to download the app.
Set up weekly, monthly or regular internet payments with Allpay. Simply CLICK HERE.
Via your bank account by using the internet banking facility (as a standing order or one-off payment). Please quote your tenancy reference code and surname and make payment to the below account:
Account Number: 00018269
Sort Code: 40-52-40
Bank: CAF Bank
Account Name: Penge Churches Housing Association
If you would like us to help you set up a standing order with your bank, please CLICK HERE to download a standing order form. Fill in the form and send it back to
PCHA aims to make it as easy as possible for you to pay your rent. We recognise, however, that you may experience periods of financial difficulties and struggle to pay your rent. In this case please talk to us as soon as possible. We will take a firm, fair and proactive approach to tackling arrears but we will always offer support and advice for residents who keep in touch and work with us to keep their rent payments up to date. Contact us on 020 8659 3055 or